
100% TinOne Resources Inc.


TinOne Resources Australia Pty Ltd’s application for the Castle Carey (EL13/2022) and Vickory Creek (EL14/2022) tin exploration licences, located on the licence boundary immediately to the south and north of the Aberfoyle tin project (EL27/2004) respectively.

96 square kilometres occurring in two separate blocks
Renewal Application Lodged


Bulk mineable vein or breccia style tin-tungsten.


The Aberfoyle project area straddles the boundary between the Silurian to Devonian Mathinna Supergroup sedimentary rocks and the Devonian Ben Lomond Granite. The historic Aberfoyle (tin) and Storeys Creek (tin-tungsten) mines as well as other vein systems are hosted in the sedimentary rocks and occur as strike extensive systems of sheeted and stockwork veining.

Historic records and drilling indicate the mineralised vein system at Aberfoyle is up to 60 metres wide, 800 metres in length and extends approximately 400 metres in the down dip direction. The Lutwyche prospect occurs approximately 1 kilometre northeast of Aberfoyle and is comprised of two sets of mineralised veins which can be traced along strike for approximately 750 metres.

An additional sediment-hosted vein system, the Kookaburra, is located 200 metres southwest of the main Lutwyche vein system and is known to be approximately 40 metres wide with an along strike extent of at least several hundred metres.

Mineralisation at Storeys Creek is hosted within a 30 to 50 metre wide, north-northwest striking sheeted vein array which dips to the southwest. The system can be traced along strike for 300 metres and extends 400 metres in the down dip direction. The Ben Lomond Granite crops out approximately 1km west of the mine and has been identified at depth at 180 metres below the surface.

Additional poorly known sediment-hosted vein systems occur at Brocks, Eastern Hill and elsewhere in the tenement.

Granite-hosted occurrences are developed throughout the exposed areas of granitoid outcrop and consist of vein, disseminated and breccia style occurrences with associated greisen style alteration. These have given rise to historic small scale hard rock and more extensive alluvial production in the Gipps Creek, Rex Hill, Ben Lomond, Royal George and other areas.

TinOne Resources Inc. interprets that both sediment- and granite-hosted systems have developed in structural corridors of multi-kilometre extent and that historic exploration has not systematically explored these corridors. TinOne believes systematic exploration of these prospective corridors will result in the definition of high-quality drill targets.

EL27/2004 simplified geological interpretation (Mineral Resources Tasmania) showing the location of the Historically mined Aberfoyle and Storys Creek deposits and selected other prospects named.

Aberfoyle Mine area, showing area of historic mine tailings and infrastructure.
Quartz-cemented hydrothermal breccia in the northern part of the Brocks prospect. The breccia occurs within an extensive area sediment-hosted of sheeted and stockwork veins.
Coarse quartz vein from the Storys Creek mine area.

Historic Production and Exploration

Tin mineralisation was discovered at Storeys Creek in 1872 and Aberfoyle in 1916, with the deposits seeing sporadic exploration and mining activities until closure in the early 1980s. Additional small-scale production occurred at the Royal George deposit in the southern block of EL27/2004. Exploration work was conducted during the mining phases and sporadic exploration has been conducted since that time with an emphasis on the immediate extensions of the Aberfoyle, Lutwyche and Storeys Creek areas. Historic exploration (early 1980s and earlier) consisted of drilling, geological mapping, rock sampling, minor soil sampling and very limited electrical geophysics using the technology available at the time. More recent exploration (1990s until present) has consisted of minor soil sampling and limited drilling at the Aberfoyle, Storeys Creek and Rifle Range (northern part of Lutwyche) prospects.

Drilling has been concentrated in the immediate vicinity of historic mines with minimal drilling conducted away from the historic mine infrastructure. TinOne Resouces Inc. considers that extensive areas of known systems have had little or no systematic exploration.

View of Aberfoyle mine during active operations, date unknown.
Data Sources and Notes
1) Seymour, D.B., Green, G.R. and Calver, C.R. 2006. The geology and mineral deposits of Tasmania: a summary. Geological Survey Bulletin 72. Mineral Resources Tasmania.

2) Blissett, A.H. 1959. The Geology of the Rossarden-Storeys Creek District. Geological Survey Bulletin 46. Tasmanian department of Mines.

3) Purvis, J.G. 1979. Initial exploration at the old Royal George Tin Mine. CRA Exploration.

4) Estimates of historical production are not estimates mineral resource or reserve estimates and no guarantee exists that historical records are accurate or that historical size and grade are a reliable indicator of future results. A qualified person has not done sufficient work to verify these historical production estimates.

TinOne Resources Inc. Exploration

Since acquisition TinOne Resources Inc. has conducted minor exploration aimed at improving understanding of the district and development of future drill targets. The initial phases of work have consisted of field reconnaissance in key areas of known tin occurrences. A systematic program to capture historic mine and exploration data has been initiated with the aim of developing a complete integrated 3D model of infrastructure, geology and historical drilling – this is a critical step in understanding residual potential and to develop further targets and has not been done by previous project owners.

TinOne Resources Inc. also undertook a trial 3D IP-Resistivity survey over the Lutwyche-Kookaburra vein system. No modern geophysics has been conducted across these vein systems and geological observation of quartz-pyrite alteration and veining suggested to TinOne that IP-Resistivity may be an applicable technique.

The trial survey was conducted on north easterly oriented lines and was highly successful in confirming that known mineralisation at the Lutwyche and Kookaburra veins systems is associated with a strong chargeability response. This has provided encouragement that IP-resistivity surveys will provide valuable data for definition of vein corridors and drill target definition.

Exploration Plans

TinOne Resources Inc. plans to execute systematic exploration utilising modern techniques to define drill targets.

This is likely to include:

  • Continued capture of historic data and development of a Lutwyche-Kookaburra-Aberfoyle-Storeys Creek 3D model. Use of this model to determine remaining potential in these known vein systems
  • Detailed surface mapping, rock sampling and ultra-low detection-limit soil sampling of to define mineralised corridors
  • Gradient array IP/resistivity and potentially pole-dipole IP/resistivity
  • Reverse circulation and/or diamond drilling of integrated targets

Qualified Person

The scientific and technical information in this website has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101 (Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects) and reviewed and approved by Dr Stuart Smith as a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101 (the “Qualified Person”). Dr Smith is a Technical Adviser to the company.